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It's been too long
February 14, 2013

Blizzard 2013

We all made it through the blizzard of 2013. Hopefully without too many bumps and bruises.

I wanted to remind everyone to please take care for that back while you are shovelling snow and lugging around bags of salt rock. If your back is starting to hurt take a break.

Stretch those hamstrings, they help your lower back. And do some shoulder rotations, so you can reduce your upper back and shoulder pain.

And if you do find you are getting sore after shovelling put ice on the sore area, not heat. The ice will help reduce the inflammation very quickly.

Just think spring is right around the corner.


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I've got an oil for that

Tinnitus aka ringing in the ear.

I have 2 essential oils that can help with your symptoms. Frankincense and basil. You apply a drop of each around your ear and down your neck 3x's a day till the ringing in your ear is gone.

Make an Online Appointment

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