Massage Sterling

Attention all residents of Sterling, MA. Who are in the need of a massage! The team at Deep Relief Massage Therapy is here to help you will your massage therapy needs.

Deep Relief Massage Therapy is located on Rt. 12 in West Boylston, MA. We are about 20 minutes from the center of Sterling, MA.These are just a few of the services we offer; couples massage, deep tissue, Swedish, and chair massage. This is just a short list of what we offer.

And if you have been in an auto accident we can also bill your (PIP) personal injury protection insurance. All you will need is an Rx from your doctor for massage therapy.If you are interested in booking with us please call us at 774-261-8484 and one of the staff members would help you pick your perfect massage therapists or you can use the BookNow link to book online.

The therapists at Deep Relief Massage Therapy can’t wait to hear from you!