Oil Cleansing Method

The oil cleansing method is a simple low cost effective way to give your skin that extra deep clean without having to pay for a facial or buy expensive skincare products that have added fillers in them. All you will need are 2 products for your at home facial.

  1. Fractionated coconut oil
  2. Your choice of an essential oil
  3. Castor Oil 

I am not an expert in skincare, so you may need to do a bit of experimenting with different types of essential oils for your skin type.

From start to finish this takes me about 15 minutes. It is also best to do this at night as well. So let’s get started!

You face doesn’t need to be clean to start. This will remove the dirt and make-up without soap and water.

  1. Put about 1/2 teaspoon of fractionated coconut oil & 1 teaspoon of castor oil into a dish. 
  2. Then add 1 drop of your chosen essential oil
  3. Rub into your hands 
  4. And massage into your face in upwards motions for about 10 – 15 minutes. Don’t worry it’s ok to take breaks from massaging your face. The point is to make sure you are working in the oil deep into your skin.
  5. While you are massaging your face the first time your do this you should feel the dead skin on your hands.
  6. Now it’s time to give your hands a break
  7. On the stove boil a pot of water
  8. You will now need a large towel and face cloth
  9. Once the water has boiled put the towel over your face and allow your face to steam. This helps to open your pores and get the oil deep into your skin.
  10. Steam your face for about 10 minutes

Once you are done steaming your face. Dip your facecloth into the warm water and drape over your face till cool, then repeat 1 – 2 more times. Don’t rub your face with the face cloth.

You can also steam your face in the shower as well

And you are all done!

There will be no need to apply a moisturize after the oil cleansing method. And you also won’t need to wash your face again in the morning.

Here are some suggested essential oils for you to try

  • Lavender
  • Frankincense
  • Myrrh
  • Melaleuca
  • Roman Chamomile 
  • Helichrysum  

Once a week is good enough for most people. You will know if you are doing it too much because your skin will become dry.  

Stop by and leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Or even share different essential oils that work well for your skin type. And don’t forget to share with someone who is looking for a deep skin cleanse at home.